


“finding myself in every meal that I cook”—

HUE Foods aka choosing.hue and eatgood.bakes is a vegan food and lifestyle brand designed to offer tips and tools on how to be a more aware consumer.

HUE Foods began in 2016 as I made my transition to veganism more concrete. At the time I was looking for ways to not only understand how to cook vegan but also how to enjoy it! I quickly discovered how this lifestyle was not only affirming to my personal values but connected me to something bigger than myself. I recognized how cooking was an important piece to my artistic practice, which would eventually become apart of my performative work.

In 2018, I had the privilege of doing my first TEDx talk where I talked about reconnecting to food. And since then I have worked with notable companies from Jamieson Vitamins, Ikea Brussels, and many universities across Canada. I have also prepared a private dinning experience for the international rap group, WU-Tang.

In 2019, I went back to school to complete my MA in Theatre and Performance, where I began my research looking at the intersections between cooking and performance.

And in 2022, I started my YouTube Channel where I share an assortment of short videos of simple and delicious vegan recipes! I also just really wanted to show the world that vegan cuisine is so much more then maybe what they have learned.

As HUE Foods is still growing, I am so proud of everything I have accomplished and look forward to continue sharing my passion that I have for food and lifestyle.