The Chef
Our Vision
vegan chef and gastronomer
I'm pretty sure the day I stood in the kitchen, in my childhood home, and I took to the stove to sautee some green onions–just like my parents would do, I unlocked a journey with food and cooking that has profoundly changed my life.
8 years ago I started HUE Foods, a green-forward, vegan meal prep company. I was very passionate about offering full-service to my clients, while educating them about their own relationship with food. While working with a multitude of different people, including rap group WU-TANG, elevated my experience as a young chef, I wanted to move away from providing a product for my clients and instead educate and guide my clients to not only prepare vegan food at home but to embrace a relationship with cooking.
Cooking often gets left out of the conversation, as the food is name the star. And don’t get me wrong, food is the star but so is this how that food was prepared and by whom.
Cooking is the place where I meet my ancestors. Ingredients, recipes and taste are how I have learned to play and experiment. Vegan cuisine has been around a long time and, for me feels the most like home.
But I am not a chef you’ve ever met before. Food and cooking penetrates my thoughts constantly, imagining the next meal or my family trying one of my new recipes. I literally dream in food…yep, you read that right!
I am a lover of great food.
I believe that cooking is a portal.
And now I have a school where I can talk about.
Simone Lemoniere
Executive Director, Mentor
watermelon and heirloom tomato salad with mint and basil from the garden and topped with vegan parmesan.